
I've taken a break from these for awhile but I'm ready to continue and complete the series. At first I was making the scrolls much longer but have recently decided that they are more effective at about half the size I was originally working with. I think it would be interesting to print them as posters that could be bought in set. Let me know what you think.

Drip Sphere

Floating World


Lines on paper.

Zootar by dub_ee
I've been making drawings again, when I have the time. I'm hoping to keep it up. I'll start posting them on my tumblr if you want to look at them.


I'm Howling for You.

Page 7 in Progress by dub_ee

An in progress glimpse of page seven of my upcoming mini photobook/comic experiment that I'm hoping to have ready in time for Zinefest in Houston.


Crooked by dub_ee
Messing around with textures applied to photography. I rarely see a successful attempt at this effect. I'm not saying that my attempt is successful, but it is something I would like to master. I want to go towards a more illustrative style, but so far most of my stabs at it have just been frustrating.
It seems there are a handful of artist who have mastered mixing photography and illustration and it's hard not to try this without biting there style.

Inspiration of the week
Dave Mckean's - Celluloid
Bill Sienkienwicz's- Stray Toasters

Emily The Enchantress

Emily The Enchantress by dub_ee

I just bought a book collecting a bunch of comics by Fletcher Hanks put out by Fantagraphics. Some of his drawings in there reminded of this piece a did a week or so ago.

Zachary Factory


Another afternoon in my studio space, I love the way the light hits the wall in the afternoon.

Future Proof.



Another scroll experiment.

I want to talk about a realization I had recently about the future of photography. I might ramble a bit so sorry about that. 
There is a quote by Lazlo Moholy Nagy that says, "The illiterate of the future will be the person ignorant of the camera as well as the pen”. When I taught I shared this with my students, in my little “hey photography is important too” speech. Moholy-Nagy was a prescient dude, but I don’t think it fully clicked in my balding head how true this statement has become till recently.
         My little cousin recently received as a gift an iPod with a built in camera. Just seeing her indifferent attitude towards the built in camera got me thinking wow in a relatively short amount of time we have gone from huge lumbering cameras that only a very small percentage of the population could get their hands, on to a world where cameras are no big deal to a young person because they are in everything. I remember when I was young wishing I could get my hands on a camera, and when I was finally given a small point and shoot it was a big deal. Even then you had to wait for days sometimes weeks if you didn’t have the cash to get your film exposed and returned to you, then all you could do with them is share them with close friends by physically handing it to them. I know you are probably thinking so what blah blah you lived before the internet we get it. But I guess it finally clicked in my head how this will affect future photographers. There will be a whole upcoming generation of photographers to which cameras are no big deal they were raised with them, they took photos and shared them with thousand potentially millions ever since they were 3. I know there has been a lot written about how this changes all sorts of aspects modern culture, it all hit home for me when I saw how my very young cousin used this little camera. What was fascinating was her innate sense of how to use the camera to not just record the world around her but to reflect her inner feelings. She took photos to express here moods, to show how she felt about different things that where going on around her, and her views on her siblings. This blew me away, not that they were super technically awesome or anything but the fact that she was using the camera other than just to document. She also already knew how to alter appearances by using the camera in specific ways. By altering lighting and camera angles she knew it changed the appearance of the subject being photographed. I was like whoa; no one taught her how to do this she just did it. It instantly made me super excited to see what this generation does with photography, especially with whatever technology will be available to them in the next 10 years. I think we haven’t even begun to tap into the potential of photography and the upcoming generation will show us things we could never imagine. So there, that’s my little rambling speech.


The Unknown

                                                         Knowledge Scroll (Click Here to view entire scroll)

This is part one, more to come next week.

Feel free to give me some feedback.



Making progress on new scrolls. I'm gonna redesign zadprojects.com to incorporate the scrolls soon.